Mucize: The Miracle


"As long as his heart isn't handicapped"

'Mucize' is a Turkish feel-good movie directed by Mahsun Kirmizigul, the movie is based on a true story, and it is sure to bring you to tears. 

The movie starts off with two young girls strolling around the market as they buy bread and ice cream, when they reach home, they see their parents arguing. The cause of their argument is because the wife does not want to go to the village however the husband argues that it is his civic duty as a teacher to teach the kids in the village as well, thus, the wife and the children bid their father goodbye as he leaves for the village to fulfill his purpose.  The teacher finds out that the village is situated at the top of the mountain, so he ends up travelling by foot as well, as he reaches the village, the villagers bring out their guns as they are afraid of the stranger. The man replies that he is a teacher and was sent by the government to teach there, upon hearing this the villagers grow happy and welcome him warmly. The teacher then finds out that the village does not have any proper establishments, nor does it have a school, he also witnesses a cripple named Aziz being picked on by a bunch of kids. thus, the story of Aziz and the teacher begins. the development of the characters throughout the movie is nothing short of a miracle as the title of the movie suggests 'Mucize' which means miracle in Turkish. 

The relationship between the teacher and Aziz develops as the movie progresses. At first the teacher is fascinated yet hesitant to approach Aziz however Aziz looks at the teacher with fondness as he too wants to learn how to read and write. Eventually the teacher is seen teaching Aziz how to read and write. Aziz grows significantly calmer as he develops a fondness for learning. In the latter half of the movie Aziz gets married to the most beautiful girl that becomes the talk of the town but what was actually beautiful was not her looks alone but rather her compassion and faithfulness towards Aziz which ultimately heals Aziz physically as well as emotionally. 

Perhaps the greatest miracle in the movie is how love and compassion can work wonders and heal through everything.


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